0 old bucharest romania

30decembrie Bucuresti.

(list to be updated)

In no particular order…


Palatul H. Spayer palace bucharest bucuresti romania

00 Bucharest palaces

Arcul de Triumf Bucuresti arch triumph bucharest

Arcul de Triumf

arcul-de-triumf-bucuresti arch triumph bucharest bucuresti romania

Arcul-de-Triumf-Bucuresti- arch triumph bucharest bucuresti romania


ateneu roman romanian athenaeum bucharest night romania

Ateneul Roman – Romanian Athenaeum – year 1888 – more photos here

ateneu roman romanian athenaeum bucharest romania

Ateneul Roman Romanian Atheneum Bucharest

ateneu roman interior romanian athenaeum bucharest romania

bcu Biblioteca Centrala Universitara Carol I Bucuresti Central University Library Bucharest

Biblioteca Centrala Universitara Carol I – Biblioteca Centrala Universitara Carol I

bcu Biblioteca Centrala Universitara Carol I Bucuresti Central University Library Bucharest

bcu Biblioteca Centrala Universitara Carol I Bucuresti Central University Library Bucharest


palatul cec si hanul cu bere palace bucharest bucuresti romania

biserica amzei church orthodox bucuresti bucharest

Biserica Amzei

biserica amzei church orthodox bucuresti bucharest romania


University Square Bucharest Romania

Piata Universitatii – University square

Bucharest University square universitatea_bucuresti romania capital city Michael the Brave statue

universitatea bucuresti university of bucharest romania

Universitatea Bucuresti – Bucharest University

Bucharest University square Piata Universitatii Bucuresti Romania culture education

universitatea_bucuresti university of bucharest romania

universitatea bucuresti university of bucharest romania

Piata Universitatii Bucuresti University square Bucharest Romania night

University square

Universitatea Bucuresti Bucharest University Romania

Biserica Domnita Balasa church orthodox bucuresti bucharest romania

Biserica Domnita Balasa church

Biserica Domnita Balasa church orthodox bucuresti bucharest romania

Biserica Domnita Balasa church orthodox bucuresti bucharest romania


Monument next to Domnita Balasa’s grave.

Biserica_Domnita_Balasa_din_Bucuresti_-_Altarul orthodox church bucharest

Domnita Balsa church – named after the daughter of Constantin Brancoveanu, who was sanctified by the church after his tragic death.


Biserica Greaca Bucuresti Romania

Biserica Greaca

Cismigiu park - dated 1854.

Cismigiu park – dated 1854

bnr banca nationala a romaniei bucharest bucuresti romania

BNR Banca Nationala pe Lipscani – National Bank of Romania

bnr banca nationala a romaniei bucharest bucuresti romania

bnr banca nationala a romaniei bucuresti bucharest

BNR Palatul Bancii Nationale National bank Bucharest Romania palace

BNR Palatul Bancii Nationale National bank Bucharest Romania

BNR Banca Nationala – National Bank of Romania

BNR Palat Banca Nationale National bank palace Bucharest Romania

BNR interior Palat Banca Nationale National bank Bucharest Romania

BNR Palat Banca Nationale National bank Bucharest Romania

BNR Palatul Bancii Nationale National bank palace Bucharest Romania night

Cantacuzino palace bucharest

Palatul Cantacuzino palace – George Enescu museum

More pictures here Cantacuzino palace

cantacuzino palace bucharest

cantacuzino palace bucuresti

cantacuzino palace bucharest

Palatul_Cantacuzino_-_Muzeul_National_George_Enescu Bucuresti Bucharest Romania palaces

Bucuresti Muzeul Grigore Antipa National Museum of Natural History Bucharest Romania

Muzeul Grigore Antipa National Museum of Natural History

Bucuresti Muzeul Grigore Antipa National Museum of Natural History Bucharest Romania

Grigore Antipa brought the concept of a diorama in a museum setting.

Bucuresti Muzeul Grigore Antipa National Museum of Natural History Bucharest Romania

Casa Monterou-Catargi Uniunea Scriitorilor din România

Casa Monterou-Catargi Uniunea Scriitorilor din România – Monteoru Catargi house, headquarters of the Union of Romanian Writers – in 2014 it lost its cultural significance when it was turned into a restaurant.

Casa Monteoru-Catargi bucharest

Casa Monteoru Catargi bucharest 3

Casa Monteoru Catargi bucharest 2

Casa Monteoru Catargi bucharest 1

Casa Monteoru Catargi bucharest

casa presei libere bucuresti bucharest romania

Piata Presei – Press Square

casa presei bucharest piata presei libere bucuresti bucharest romania

Casa Presei Libere – House of the Free Press

casa presei libere house of the press bucuresti

piata presei libere bucuresti bucharest romania

piata presei libere bucuresti bucharest romania

catedrala Sf. Spiridon Nou Bucuresti christian orthodox cathedral church Romania

Catedrala Sf. Spiridon Nou – 1858 – largest church in Bucharest

See more photos here – St. Spiridon church cathedral

catedrala Sf. Spiridon Nou Bucuresti christian orthodox cathedral church Bucharest Romania

catedrala Sf. Spiridon Nou Bucuresti christian orthodox cathedral church Romania Bucharest

CEC palace bucharest bucharest bucuresti romania

cec palace palatul cec bucharest bucuresti romania

CEC palace – more photos here

cec palace bucharest bucuresti romania

casa macca bucuresti bucharest romania culture little paris micul paris architecture abandoned places

Casa Macca – see more here

CEC palace bucharest romania night

Casa-Librecht bucharest bucuresti romania

Casa Librecht

Casa-Librecht4 bucharest bucuresti romania

Cercul Militar national bucharest bucuresti romania

Cercul Militar National – Palace of the National Military Circle

cercul_militar_national bucharest bucuresti romania

cercul militar national bucharest bucuresti romania

grand_hotel_continental bucharest bucuresti romania

grand_hotel_continental bucharest bucuresti romania

catedrala sfantul-iosif bucharest bucuresti romania

Catedrala sfantul Iosif

catedrala-sfantul-iosif bucharest bucuresti romania

catedrala sf. iosif bucharest bucuresti romania

casa vernescu bucuresti bucharest

Casa Vernescu

casa vernescu bucuresti bucharest

casa vernescu bucuresti bucharest

casa vernescu bucuresti bucharest

casa nicolae titulescu bucharest bucuresti romania

Muzeul-Nottara museum Bucuresti Bucharest romanian people culture

Nottara museum

Muzeul-Macovei museum Bucuresti Bucharest romanian culture

Macovei museum

dealul_patriarhiei_si_palatul_parlamentului bucharest bucuresti romania

Palace of the Parliament and the Patriarchal Palace

Grand Hotel du Boulevard bucharest bucuresti romania

Grand Hotel du Boulevard – year 1871

Grand Hotel du Boulevard Bucuresti BUcharest

ghika gradisteanu palace bucuresti bucharest romania

Ghika Gradisteanu palace

ghika gradisteanu palace bucharest bucuresti romania

Gradisteanu-Ghica palace bucharest bucuresti

Hanul lui Manuc Inn bucharest bucuresti romania

Hanul lui Manuc Manuc’s inn – year 1808

Hanul_lui_Manuc Inn Bucuresti Romania

Hanul lui Manuc Inn bucharest bucuresti romania

Ion Mincu University of Architecture Bucharest Universitatea Ion Mincu

Ion Mincu University of Architecture

Ion Mincu University of Architecture Bucharest Romania

Ion Mincu University of Architecture Bucharest Romania

Ion Mincu University of Architecture Bucharest

Ion Mincu University of Architecture Bucharest

mausoleum Parcul Carol park Bucharest

Carol Park Heroes’ mausoleum

mausoleum Parcul Carol bucharest bucuresti romania

Bucharest Romania Heories Monument Carol park

mausoleum Parc Carol bucharest bucuresti romania

mausoleum Parcul Carol park

mausoleum_Parcul_Carol park

muzeul national de geologie bucuresti

Muzeul National de Geologie

Justice Palace Bucharest Palatul de Justitie Bucuresti

Justice Palace

palatul de justitie justice palace bucharest romania dambovita river

palatul de justitie justice palace bucharest

palatul de justitie justice palace bucharest romania dambovita river

Muzeul-Frederic Cecilia-Storck bucharest bucuresti romania

Frederic Cecilia-Storck museum

Muzeul-Frederic Cecilia-Storck museum bucharest bucuresti romania

Muzeul-Frederic si Cecilia-Storck bucharest bucuresti romania

muzeul-colectiilor-de-arta museum of art collections bucharest bucuresti romania

Museum of Art Collections – more photos here

Muzeul-Colectiilor-de-Arta museum of art collection bucharest bucuresti romania

observatorul astronomic Vasile_Urseanu

Observatorul astronomic Vasile Urseanu


Opera Nationala Bucuresti Bucharest National Opera

National Opera of Bucharest

Opera Nationala Bucuresti interior Bucharest National Opera

ministerul agriculturii bucuresti ministry of agriculture bucharest romania

Manu - Auschnitt house bucharest bucuresti romania

Romanian Patriarchal Cathedral Palace of the Patriarchate Bucharest Palatul Patriarhal Bucuresti

The Patriarchal Cathedral and the Palace of the Patriarchate

Palace of the Patriarchate Bucharest Palatul Patriarhal Bucuresti

Palace of the Patriarchate Bucharest Palatul Patriarhal Bucuresti

Palace of the Patriarchate Bucharest Palatul Patriarhal

Palace of the Patriarchate Palatul Patriarhal bucharest bucuresti romania

Palace of the Patriarchate Bucharest Palatul Patriarhal Bucuresti

Palace of the Patriarchate Bucharest Palatul Patriarhal

Romanian Patriarchate Bucharest Palatul Patriarhal Bucuresti

palatul patriarhiei bucharest bucuresti romania

palatul cec si hanul cu bere palace bucharest bucuresti romania

palatul bragadiru palace bucharest streets bucuresti

Bragadiru palace

palatul bragadiru bucharest streets palace bucuresti romania

palatul bragadiru interior palace bucharest bucuresti romania

muzeul national de istorie-al-romaniei national history museum bucharest bucuresti romania

National Museum of History

muzeul national de istorie al-romaniei national history museum bucharest bucuresti romania  muzeul national de istorie-al romaniei national history museum bucharest bucuresti romania  muzeul national de istorie-al romaniei national history museum bucharest bucuresti romania  muzeul national de istorie al romaniei national history museum bucharest bucuresti romania

palat kretulescu palace palace bucharest bucuresti romania

Kretulescu palace

palat kretzulesc palace bucharest romania

palatul kretzulescu palace palace bucharest bucuresti romania

palat kretzulescu palace palace bucharest bucuresti romania

palatul kretulescu palace palace bucharest bucuresti romania

palatul muzeu cotroceni palace bucharest bucuresti romania

Cotroceni museum – see more photos here

palatul muzeu cotroceni palace bucharest bucuresti romania 3

palatul muzeu cotroceni palace bucharest bucuresti

palatul muzeu cotroceni palace 5 bucharest bucuresti romania

palatul muzeu cotroceni palace bucharest bucuresti

Cotroceni-palace Bucharest Romania

Palatul Telefoanelor Hotel Continental Telephone Palace Bucharest Romania

Continental Hotel and the Telephone Palace

Arhivele Statului

Arhivele Statului

palatul parlamentului casa poporului parliament palace bucharest romania

Palace of the Parliament – Palatul Parlamentului – although the largest palace in the world, the public tour offers only a view of 5% of the building.

palatul-parlamentului casa poporului bucuresti palace of the parliament bucharest romania

palatul parlamentului casa poporului parliament palace bucharest romania

palatul parlamentului casa poporului parliament palace bucharest romania

palatul parlamentului sala cuza casa poporului parliament palace bucharest romania

palatul parlamentului casa poporului parliament palace interior bucharest romania

palatul parlamentului casa poporului parliament palace bucharest romania interior 3

palatul parlamentului casa poporului parliament palace bucharest romania interior 2

palatul parlamentului casa poporului parliament palace bucharest romania interior

Parliament Palace Palatul Parlamentului Bucharest Bucuresti

spitalul coltea bucuresti coltea hospital bucharest

Spitalul Coltea hospital – year 1704

spital coltea bucuresti coltea hospital bucharest

Spitalul Coltea hospital Bucharest Bucuresti Romania

Spitalul Coltea hospital Bucharest Romania Bucuresti

scoala centrala de fete bucuresti central school for girls

Scoala centrala de fete Central school of girls – 1851

scoala centrala de fete bucuresti central school for girls bucharest interior

Stavropoleos Church - 1724

Stavropoleos Church – 1724

inner courtyard

inner courtyard

UMF Universitatea de Medicină si Farmacie Carol Davila bucuresti Bucharest

Universitatea de Medicină si Farmacie Carol Davila – 1857 University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila

UMF Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie Carol Davila bucuresti Bucharest

UMF Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie Carol Davila

UMF Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie Carol Davila bucuresti Bucharest

UMF Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie Carol Davila bucuresti Bucharest

UMF Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie Carol Davila bucuresti Bucharest

sutu palace bucharest romania muzeul bucuresti

Sutu palace – 1833 – today the Museum of Art and History of Bucharest – more photos here

sutu palace muzeul bucharest bucuresti romania

sutu palace muzeul bucharest bucuresti romania

Stock Exchange Palace Bucharest Palatul_Bursei_Palatul_Camerei_de_Comert_si_Industrie_a_Romaniei bucuresti

Stock Exchange Palace –  Palatul Bursei

mita biciclista casa bucharest bucuresti romania

Cimitirul Serban Voda - Bellu cemetery - opened in 1858; numerous personalities of the XIX and XXth centuries are buried here.

Cimitirul Serban Voda – Bellu cemetery – opened in 1858; numerous personalities of the XIX and XXth centuries are buried here.

serban voda bellu cemetery bucharest bucuresti romania

serban voda bellu cemetery bucharest bucuresti romania Aviator_Tomb

serban voda bellu cemetery bucharest bucuresti romania

serban voda bellu cemetery bucharest bucuresti romania

serban voda bellu cemetery bucharest romania

serban voda bellu cemetery bucharest bucuresti romania

serban voda bellu cemetery bucharest bucuresti romania

serban voda bellu cemetery bucharest bucuresti romania

bellu cemetery bucharest bucuresti romania

bellu cemetery bucharest bucuresti romania

serban voda bellu cemetery bucharest bucuresti romania